Sunday, November 1, 2009

Holloween Party

Boo, Yes the time of year that some of us hate but yet others look forward to. It is when the kid in us come out. Now that the boat is all wrapped up it gives us time to focus on other events. It is our first time going to one of our friends Halloween party they have had the last few years. I know I was thinking of raping and pillaging. Yet Jeannie had a different idea. She wanted to show off her very shapely body and hopes for a Vegas gig. Hey no one never knows. The good , bad and the wicked witch of the west teamed up here. One of the events was a pumpkin carving contest in which we had never done. Well other then the ole eyes and nose thing you did growing up as a kid. It was interesting as using the stencils that are in the carving kit and the various sizes of the pumkins. It was rather cool to see what turn out as we had many of laughs. Jeannie and I have to thank Red Green for helping us with our pumpkin. We had never did it with the stencils until tonight as long behold Red pulls out his trusty old duct tape to help us hold the stencil sheet in place. As you can see Richard Simon was showing off his physic and showing us some new exercise moves

1 comment:

  1. wow wish we could have gone to see everyone looks like a good time, I love your outfit I beleive Kevin's inner self is showing!!
