Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Time Winding Down

As many have told us that the closer to the day we leave the more things you find to do. Such is so true. Both Jeannie and I are done working now. That for me is good as working 10 hour days gave me no time to get much done. Jeannie is now enjoying her first few days from not working since she was 20. I know it will be an adjustment for both of us in spending but we will manage. Were both looking forward to living aboard and know it will be a challenge for us both.

The last few weekends we have been doing a deep clean and putting things back in order on Mutualfun. As always I am told I have to many tools but I have managed to get them out of site, just as out of site out of mind, lol I just hate not to have tools to work with as that is all I have done all my life. It has actually been fun figuring out where we are putting things and what were taking.

We had to give the popcorn maker a try at the dock to see if the inverter would handle it and as it did I watched the amps and it was not as bad as I figured. In about 4 min we had popcorn and a big smile from Jeannie. So that was a go to stay on board, but the microwave is going bye bye in a few weeks. I have added more insulation in the last week to the inside of the freezer side of our fridge as it work well last yr but it has to be better with one more inch of insulation inside.

Over Memorial Day weekend we had our grandson up for 2 nights 3 days and what a time we had.
He is at a age that he is fun to have around as you never know what he will say or do. He just graduated from kindergarten last week and everyone in class received an award. Well his was Mr Joker, go figure. Him and I spent a lot of time in the dingy tooling around different marina's and going up the White River looking for shells.

Now that Jeannie is finally retired, it is a realization that our time is drawing closer to shoving off. We have a few appts to do yet and friends to see. We were at the Flat River grill with a few friends that will be missed but we know many more will be made. Trying to cut cost as we are now on a fixed income and we still have a few things to get.One was a better camera. I stopped by a local pawn shop in Lansing and found a like new Canon full body camera.
We were looking at this riverboat and it is actually setting on the bottom, the hull is about gone. They use it only for stage shows. We still have boat projects to do as in teak and I need to get things but back on but it is all falling into place slowly.

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