Ah here it is the mid winter bla's. At the point where we are ready for winter to be over. At first it is a warm welcome if one can not go south to have a change in the weather and see a bit of snow. But you gota live in Michigan to appreciate it. Our mid winter highlight you might say is the Strictly Sail boat show in Chicago. We have been every year to it but 2 that it has been going. Our first year Jeannie and I went alone and this year as we see it being our last year going to it we went alone. Other wise we have always rode with friends Marv & Roni sharing the trip.
After going out to Annapolis boat show this fall I am now spoiled by it. In Chicago this year one could tell it was much less crowded and much less vendors. As I talked to some of the vendors about how they were doing at the show, it was a mixed bag. Some told me they were doing better then expected and a few said sale's were down. I know we did not spend as much either as I had planed on getting new sails but other priorities were in check this year. So I had time this year to set into many seminars in which some were good but I always try and pick up something in each one that I can learn from.
As usual we have a group of people that we run into from our marina and they are always a warm welcome to see. This year we had many more from our dock that went down with us and it is always a joy seeing them and going out Friday and Saturday night with all in a group. We all seem to make or own fun where ever we seem to go. It is just the late nights I can not take. 11 PM. Ah getting older. LoL
On a bit of better news Jeannie was scheduled for her 2nd skin graft of her left arm on the 5th. After getting to the hospital and getting her all doped up. I kissed her good bye and went out to the surgical waiting lounge and stared studying on my ham test. Had coffee in hand and reading on my ipod. Heck I did not even get half my coffee drank and out came the doc to tell me he was all done. What I said as half asleep. He proceeded to tell me it looked better then he had figured so he called the graft surgery off. So her bandages are off and life is almost back to normal for us. But what is normal now a days. So now we can start focusing on our mid summer departure.
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