July 30th 2009
11 years ago when we got our first boat which was a 1987 Catalina 30 a good friend of mine had invited our boat along on what is known as a guy trip . All that was required is that I had to get a crew gathered up as we sailed to different ports for a week on Lake Michigan.
Since that 11 years has past many things have changed in different lives. So this year a reunion trip was in the planning in the late winter months. Bill use to have a Catalina 34 and was the other boat we use to sail with so what was planned was we would use his past crew.
We started out on Thursday the 30th of July as Greg and Dick arrived at the boat we readied it with provision and filled up with water. We left Whitehall @ 11:50am headed for Pentwater, Mi. Weather was overcast / 11kts wind /out of s/w. Rained on and off. Total distance was 36.9 N/m’s Moving average was 5 kts
Friday the 31st we left our anchorage @ 8:10am as we headed out for Manistee Mi. We sailed for a few hours then motored sailed as the winds were to light to make good time. We arrived at Manistee city Marina @ 4 Pm. The weather was forecasted to have storms later that night and the next day which caused us to layover a day in Manistee. Total distance was 38 N/m. Moving avg was 4.8 kts
Sunday the 2nd of August we left @ 6:45am headed to Arcida Mi. in which we picked up Bill. This now was our total crew of 4. We finally was able to sail most of the way without using the diesel. It is not often as it seems in Lake Michigan when you have a destination to go that the wind is in the right direction or you have enough wind. We arrived in Arcida @ 10:00am and dropped anchor. We then ferried gear and more supplies via dingy along with Bill. Total distance was 16.8 N/m. Moving average was 5.1kts Waves 2 to 4 feet with a west wind.
Monday the 3rd we left @ 10:50am after a front went through that night and winds shifted to the s/w which would push us up to South Manitou Island. When we left winds were 15 kts with waves 3 to 4 feet. Further north we got the winds increased as well as the waves which were 5 to 8 feet as we ran wing and wing most of the way to South Manitou Island. The top wind speed we had seen was 26 kts out of the s/w. Our top speed was 10.2 kts It was a fantastic sail in which was a good day to cover ground.
We arrived at South Manitou @ 4:27 pm and anchored for the night. After we had diner we took a dingy ride to shore to do a little exploring of the island and viewing of the Light House. Finally back to the boat we were treated to a fantastic night with a full moon and a nice evening all round. Total distance was 35.7 N/m’s Moving average 6.4 kts Waves 5 to 8 feet with a s/w wind.
Tuesday the 4th we left @ 6:50am leaving South Manitou Island. As we no more got under way we had a light rain for about 1 hour as we continued sailing for about an hour longer. When we got out of the lea of the island the winds changed and was out of the n/w 15 to 20 kts as we had to motor the rest of the way to Beaver Island St James Bay. Arriving in St James Bay we only had 5 other boats anchored for the night with us.
Everyone in the crew is so easy to get along with that it has been very easy to cook and feed. After dinner the captain allowed shore leave for all those going a shore. The stop was non less then the Shamrock bar. Which the crew was entertained by the island people.
Total trip was 57.6 miles. Total time was 11:34 hours. Moving average was 5.0 kts.
Wednesday the 5th we awoke to a sunny and not yet a summer like day. Cool but yet nice. We decided to head for Lake Charlevoix and spend the last day and evening sailing the lake. We had west winds so we sailed most of the way there. The ferry from Beaver Island Emerald Isle passed us a few times during the day as it is a 26 mile trip over to the island for the main land of Michigan.
To have some fun a couple of us dressed up as pirates as we approached the channel coming into Lake Charlevoix. It was a big hit by many as we got many thumbs up and the cameras were flashing. Of course we had the jolly rodger flying also. Lake Charlevoix is one that is 13 miles long and looks like it is the home of the rich and famous. Many beautiful homes and other places as we all wondered what some are because of being so huge.
With the new GPS installed it has so many settings and buttons that it is very intriguing to see what they all do. So the crew loved it and figured out what the heck lets push all the buttons and change the settings. Well I believe now it was in there plan to test me. Well slowly the nav system was not functioning as it use to but hey they came to sail so that they did.
We sailed for the day within the lake and finally spent the night in Hortons bay. As it seems every time you anchor if you look around you will see something that you will remember always. Ours was watching a lady getting into a canoe in about knee deep water. Well you guessed it. Once she stepped in over she went. Totally wet, but she did not give up and succeeded to get back in as she paddled about 100 yrds to get firewood that was in a waiting suv. Once loaded with a few stacks of firewood and 1 dog. Her friend got back in and drove the suv someplace by there camp as she showed up to help unload the wood. We just sat there trying to figure out why they did what they did. Oh Well!
After dinner we all swam and cleaned up as finally the water was 69 degrees. The warmest we have seen so far. Then it was time for lies and memories over many drinks. Total trip miles:40.5 n/m Moving avg 4.2 kts total time 9:35hrs. Mtr hrs 1137.75
Thursday awoke to a still and a touch of morning mist. Had one other boat coming and anchor by us during the night. For breakfast we all got into the dingy and went ashore and walked to the Horton’s Bay general store which as a lot of history as Hemmingway use to live in the area and this was a poplar place for him. It was like taking a step back in time when you walked in. Naturally we got some fine cinnamon rolls and other pastries to take back for breakfast
We were on a waiting list for a slip at Charlevoix City Marina as it is usually a place many stop over for a few days. So it is always full. Lake Charlevoix has a couple of arms of the lake that separate the main lake so we went down the south arm to have a look at all the homes.
Some have been there many years and some are just being built. But many for sale also. Getting down into the south arm one has to go past the Ironton ferry. This is a cable ferry and was told it makes the most runs in the country. It departs about every ten minutes or what ever it takes to unload and load 4 vehicles.
For lunch we had to stop at the Landings which is right next to the Ironton ferry dock. I can see that it would be a busy place during the weekend. Food was great and even the wait staff was great, It is always fun to meet new people and hear their stories as we all have them. Later that day we arrived back at Charlevoix City marina for our slip as it is a crap shoot if you get one. One never knows how long you will be on the waiting list.
Total trip was 19.8 n/m Avg spd 4.3 kts Moving time 4:34 hrs. Mtr hrs 1184.40
To summarize it all for the whole trip with guys that I have not seen in quite a while. It was a very good trip, one that will be remembered for years to come. But one thing I will never do again is to say “ Go ahead and play with the instruments you can not hurt them” It was like having a 55 plus year old kid on board. Lol.
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