Monday, December 5, 2011

We are back

December 1, 2011 Well we are back for year #2! Some people thought I would never make it the 1st year(did anyone win any bets?) Mutual Fun was stored in Green Cove Springs, FL all summer, so being she was already going to be in Florida, made it an easy decision for me to reup for another year. GCS is an accommodating place and Leslie & Josh only live a “20 minute” drive to St Augustine. Our daughter says they live 20 minutes away from any place when I inquire about the distance. She is almost always right. Thank you L&J for the 3 weeks we stayed! Josh did very well having his in-laws there for that long! Buster & Lucy(grand dogs) we will see you in the spring. Mutual Fun traveled the ICW for 4 days, reaching Velcro Beach on Thanksgiving day. Yours truly made her 1st pie ever(Randy is the pie maker not me) On Turkey day while under way on very choppy waters on the ICW. We arrive our destination and Tom of Polar Pacer told me not to bring the pie that there were plenty of desserts still left. We had arrived well after the 2pm dinner. Hey Tom the pie was actually very good, so I guess it was your loss. It was great to see Tom & Chris again if only to say hi and see ya later as they were departing VB the next morning. Hopefully we will catch up to them at Lake Worth. We went to Jensen Beach at Nettles Island to visit parents of our friends in Texas on the 29th and had a great time! Our next stop was Peck Lake for a night where we were able to meet new friends Kevin & Jean from the UK. We also hooked up with Polar Pacer again which was fun. We all walked the ocean beach and met a couple from Annapolis, MD. At walks end we all had cocktails and snacks there on the beach as the sand flies were biting. That evening we received a picture from Bill K and showed us the amount of snow Lansing, MI has! Apparently most schools were closed that day. It was so cool realizing I did not have to be there and drive to work! Mutual fun spent 3 days in Lake Worth leaving Amocura and Polar Pacer on The am of the the 4th. We all enjoyed the Christmas Parade on the ICW. Today we are in Fort Lauderdale and will be heading to Miami on the 6th. The next posting will be somewhere in the Bahamas!!! Love to our families and our friends. Merry Christmas!! Jeannie & Randy on S/V Mutual Fun