Dec 29th 2010
Finally after a 20 hour ride from Michigan we arrived in St Augustine. We ran into more then unusually extra traffic after we left out of Atlanta. The weather was a warm welcome as when we left Michigan it was 24. We drove in snow till Fort Wayne then it was clear sailing on the hwy. Usually when we come down the kids always have a list of things they want fixed or help with, which I am glad I can help with. This time it was a neighbor, which needed help installing a water softener.
After that was done we then had our free time to do what we wanted. One of my places I usually love to go is Sailor’s Exchange. One can always find something there. After driving about 20 miles over to get there I find out that they are closed till the 5th of January. Oh well shit happens, just have to come back as we are leaving to go back to Michigan on the 5th.
Last year I was down here in March and West Marine had what is called a Super Store opening up. Well I missed that opening by a week so this time we both got to go along with our daughter. Just what she wanted to do is to go to a marine store. Well when we got in there it was a different story for her. They have so much stuff in there you need a frickin list. We ended up picking up a few things as well as a Spot tracker.
One of the other things we picked up while if Florida was a portable ice maker. It is one that draws 1.9 amps while making ice and will run off our inverter. So were kind of anxious to try it.
Jan 10th 2010
Now that we are back home we are looking forward to spring as we are starting to compile list of what we need to get done. For some of know of Jeannie’s accident with the wood burner. Just a quick update on that, her skin graph only took by 1/3 and she will go back in next month to have it re-graphed. She got all of the staples removed as she had 55 in her arm. We are hoping it will not postpone our departure this summer.