Then off to the computer lab and other parts of the school. Wow how times have changed from when I was in school. After getting back in his room we had a list that had a few projects to make.One was a 24 link chain made out of red and green construction paper which represented how many day until Christmas in December.
Then the other project tested my skills in design and creativity. There was a table set up with Oreo cookies and candy corn, frosting, chocolate chips , and a few other treats.
Here is what a turkey looks like made out of what we had to work with. Just like any turkey. It had to be ate, thank god. As we sure did not want it for a center piece for the table. We then went and played a word game where you pick a card and using pipe cleaners, you place a letter that is like a dice on to it so it spells the word.
It was a very nice day in all to be able to spend time with Jay at this age as I know he will grow up so fast. To end the day the teacher had each student do a poem and a hand photo of there right hand and present it to the grand parents as away of thanking them for coming. It was a tearful time for Jay and I both as Jay had to go back to his school class and the grandparents had to leave.